Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Relaunch Party at Mill End

Sue and Peter Davies, Mill End Hotel
We had the great pleasure of welcoming over a hundred guests - friends, neighbours, local business-people and our valued local suppliers - to an evening of drinks, canapes and fireside chat to celebrate the relaunch of Mill End Hotel last week.

A very pleasant evening all round, and a good opportunity for us to show off the results of the refurbishment work that's been keeping us busy over the last couple of months.

It was a delight to hear so many positive things about Mill End's reputation locally, and to receive some very nice and genuine feedback about the improvements we've made of late.

Word is certainly spreading regarding our new Sunday Lunch menu, which is proving a big hit with locals and visitors alike.  And the improvements we've made to our bedrooms seem to have been very well received.

Mill End Hotel - a country hotel on Dartmoor - www.millendhotel.com

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